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<- [[:gtspring2009:blogofblogs|research blogs]] ====== blog ====== forum for [[|]] discussions (an experiment in progress) ===== How to ... ===== * [[chaosbook:howto:login|How to login]] * [[chaosbook:howto:blogging|How to blog]] * [[chaosbook:howto:proofreading|How to proofread]] * [[chaosbook:howto:todo|To do]] * [[chaosbook:howto:kvetch|Kvetch here]] ===== ChaosBook chapters ===== <html> <span style="color:red;font-size:80%;text-align:right;">to find recent edits: click on [Recent changes] above, select changed page, then [Old revision], compare versions</span> </html> * [[chaosbook:intro|Overture]] * [[chaosbook:flows|Go with the flow]] * [[chaosbook:maps|Discrete time dynamics]] * [[chaosbook:stability|Local stability]] * [[chaosbook:conjug|Get straight]] * [[chaosbook:newton|Hamiltonian dynamics]] * [[chaosbook:billiards|Billiards]] * [[chaosbook:discrete|World in a mirror]] * [[chaosbook:continuous|Relativity for cyclists]] * [[chaosbook:knead|Charting the state space]] * [[chaosbook:smale|Stretch, fold, prune]] * [[chaosbook:cycles|Fixed points, and how to get them]] * [[chaosbook:Markov|Walkabout: Transition graphs]] * [[chaosbook:count|Counting]] * [[chaosbook:measure|Transporting densities]] * [[chaosbook:average|Averaging]] * [[chaosbook:trace|Trace formulas]] * [[chaosbook:det|Spectral determinants]] * [[chaosbook:recycle|Cycle expansions]] * [[chaosbook:getused|Why cycle?]] * [[chaosbook:inter|Intermittency]] * [[chaosbook:diffusion|Deterministic diffusion]] * [[chaosbook:PDEs|Turbulence?]] * [[chaosbook:noise|Noise]] * [[chaosbook:relax|Relaxation for cyclists]] * [[chaosbook:VanVleck|Semiclassical evolution]] * [[chaosbook:traceSemicl|Semiclassical quantization]] * [[chaosbook:appendHist|A brief history of chaos]] ===== ChaosBook extras ===== * [[chaosbook:overheads|Overheads]] * [[chaosbook:movies_of_plane_couette_-_tutorial|Tutorial: Movies of plane Couette]]

chaosbook.txt · Last modified: 2011/02/07 05:09 by predrag