==== Generating Data ==== I followed the first couple steps of John G's howto essentially verbatim and deviated only with respect to calculation of the poincare section. I used the following script file, with eigenvalues already present, to generate my data: #!/bin/bash #This will hopefully generate all of the data I need to construct a poincare section of # the upper branch unstable manifold. addfields 1 UB 1.12670e-05 e0 eq2_1 addfields 1 UB 1.26960e-05 e0 eq2_2 addfields 1 UB 1.43072e-05 e0 eq2_3 addfields 1 UB 1.61215e-05 e0 eq2_4 addfields 1 UB 1.81659e-05 e0 eq2_5 addfields 1 UB 2.04695e-05 e0 eq2_6 addfields 1 UB 2.30653e-05 e0 eq2_7 addfields 1 UB 2.59902e-05 e0 eq2_8 addfields 1 UB 2.92860e-05 e0 eq2_9 addfields 1 UB 3.29998e-05 e0 eq2_10 addfields 1 UB 3.71846e-05 e0 eq2_11 addfields 1 UB 4.19000e-05 e0 eq2_12 addfields 1 UB 4.72134e-05 e0 eq2_13 addfields 1 UB 5.52006e-05 e0 eq2_14 addfields 1 UB 5.99470e-05 e0 eq2_15 addfields 1 UB 6.75490e-05 e0 eq2_16 for i in eq2_*.ff ; do tag=${i#eq2_} ; couette -T0 0 -T1 400 -o data-${tag%.ff} $i ; done I then created a parameter dependent flow field, that mixed two fields, or equivalently, john's e_theta. <latex> e_{\theta} = sin(\theta)\vec{u}_0 + cos(\theta)\vec{u}_1 </latex> I set theta to be pi/4, to get the strongest possible contribution from both fields. I then used poincare.cpp to calculate the intersections of each of the trajectories calculated in the script and saved them to disk. I then plotted them, and what resulted is what is in my blog.