====== Channelflow on trillian ====== Some extra instructions for installing and using channelflow on [[http://trillian-use.sr.unh.edu/index.php/Main_Page|trillian]], UNH's CRAY XE6m-200 supercomputer. ===== Installation ===== Log on to ''trillian.sr.unh.edu'' using ''ssh'', then run these commands. 1. Configure the Cray computing environment. <code> module unload cray-hdf5-parallel module unload cce module unload xt-asyncpe module load gcc module load fftw module load cmake </code> 2. Check out channelflow source code into a ~/svnrepos/channelflow directory <code> mkdir ~/svnrepos cd ~/svnrepos svn co http://svn.channelflow.org/channelflow </code> 3. Configure, compile, and install channelflow in a separate build directory <code> mkdir ~/channelflow mkdir ~/channelflow/build cd ~/channelflow/build cmake -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=/opt/gcc/4.7.2/bin/gcc -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/opt/gcc/4.7.2/bin/g++ -DWITH_FFTW=/opt/fftw/ -DWITH_HDF5=~gibson/packages/hdf5-1.8.15/lib -DWITH_EIGEN3=~gibson/packages/eigen-3.2.4 -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/channelflow ~/svnrepos/channelflow/trunk/ make make test make install </code> The ''make test'' should report "100% tests passed". If everything went well you should now have the following directory structure for channelflow: <code> ~/svnrepos/channelflow # pristine channelflow source code from subversion ~/channelflow/build # build directory, where channelflow was configured and compiled ~/channelflow/include # include directory, with all the channelflow header files (e.g. flowfield.h) ~/channelflow/lib # library directory, with static and shared libs libchflow.a and libchflow.so </code> Note: Sometimes CMake can get confused if changes in the build system conflict with cached values of build system variables. If the above sequence doesn't work for you, try removing ''CMakeCache.txt'' and ''CMakeFiles/'' from your build directory and rerunning the ''cmake ...'' command above. ===== Submitting jobs ===== If you start a computation by just typing in a command at the command prompt, it'll execute on trillian's login node. That's a no-no! (except for software builds and quick tests). Instead, you should run any long computation but submitting it to the [[https://hpcc.usc.edu/support/documentation/running-a-job-on-the-hpcc-cluster-using-pbs/PBS|PBS]] (Portable Batch System) job control system. PBS will then farm the job out to one of the compute nodes. There are three main PBS commands: * **qsub** submit a job to the PBS queue * **qstat** list jobs running in the queue * **qdel** delete a job from the queue ''qsub'' can be a bit tedious and complicated, so I wrote a some bash code for a simplified interface. Place the following in your ''~/.bashrc'' file (and then run ''source ~/.bashrc'') to make your current shell process and load this code). <code> PATH=$PATH:~/channelflow/bin module unload cray-hdf5-parallel module unload cce module unload xt-asyncpe module load gcc module load fftw module load cmake module load pbs function qsubmit() { tag=$1 shift echo "#PBS -N $tag" > tmp.pbs echo "#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=1,walltime=48:00:00" >> tmp.pbs echo "#PBS -j oe" >> tmp.pbs echo "#PBS -m ae" >> tmp.pbs echo "cd $(pwd)" >> tmp.pbs echo aprun $* >> tmp.pbs qsub tmp.pbs } </code> This bit of code tells bash where your channelflow programs are, configures the Cray programming environment correctly, and then defines a ''qsubmit'' function, which can be used as follows <code> cd ~/simulations/test-qsubmit qsubmit qtest couette -R 500 u0.h5 </code> This will submit the command ''couette -R 500 u0.h5'' to the PBS queue with jobname "qtest", in working directory ''~/simulations/test-qsubmit''.