====== L2Dist ======
compute the L2 Distance between two fields
-sx --shiftx shift by Lx/2
-sz --shiftz shift by Lz/2
(trailing arg 2) input field #1
(trailing arg 1) input field #2
L2Dist u.ff v.ff
\text{L2Norm(u-v)} = \|{\bf u} - {\bf v}\| = \left(\frac{1}{L_x L_y L_z} \int_{\Omega} \|{\bf u} - {\bf v}|^2\,\, d{\bf x} \right)^{1/2}
Note: the -sx and -sz options apply shifts by Lx/2 and Lz/2 to one of the fields prior to computation of the norm.
This is helpful for my research but might not be of interest to others.