====== Symmetry of flows in channel geometries ======
The symmetry group of 3D fields in channel geometries is generated by
[ u,v,w ](x,y,z) & \rightarrow [-u, v, w](-x,y,z) \\
[ u,v,w ](x,y,z) & \rightarrow [ u, -v, w](x,-y,z) \\
[ u,v,w ](x,y,z) & \rightarrow [ u, v, -w](x, y,-z) \\
[ u,v,w ](x,y,z) & \rightarrow [-u,-v,-w](x,y,z) \\
[ u,v,w ](x,y,z) & \rightarrow [ u, v, w](x+\ell_x, y, z+\ell_z)
"Channel geometry" means a domain that is periodic or infinite in //x// and //z//
and bounded in //y//, with $-L_y/2 \leq y \leq L_y/2$ and Dirichlet or Neumann
boundary conditions at the bounds in //y//. The symmetry groups of velocity
fields for specific flows, with constraints such as incompressibility
and specific boundary conditions, are subgroups of the group
generated by the above symmetries.
====== Symmetry of plane Couette flow=======
For the full description of 67 isotropy subgroups of plane Couette, see J. Halcrow, J. F. Gibson, and P. Cvitanović,
//Equilibrium and traveling-wave solutions of plane Couette flow//, [[http://arxiv.org/abs/0808.3375|arXiv:0808.3375]], J. Fluid Mech. (to appear, 2009), and [[http://chaosbook.org/projects/Halcrow/thesis.pdf|J. Halcrow, "Charting the state space of plane Couette flow: Equilibria, relative equilibria, and heteroclinic connections"]] (Georgia Tech Ph.D. thesis, Aug 2008). Here are some highlights.
===== Invariance =====
Plane Couette flow is invariant under the following symmetries
\sigma_x \, [u,v,w](x,y,z) &= [-u,-v,w](-x,-y,z) \\
\sigma_z \, [u,v,w](x,y,z) &= [u, v,-w](x,y,-z) \\
\tau(\ell_x, \ell_z) [u,v,w](x,y,z) &= [u, v,-w](x+\ell_x, y, z+\ell_z) \\
That is, if f^t(u) is the time-t map of plane Couette flow, then
f^t(s u) = s f^t(u)
for any s in group G generated by \{\sigma_x, \sigma_z, \tau(\ell_x, \ell_z)\}.
Let u(t) be a solution of Navier Stokes with initial condition u(0),
u(t) = f^t(u(0))
s u(t) = s f^t(u(0)) = f^t(s u(0))
is a solution of Navier-Stokes with initial condition s u(0).
===== Isotropy =====
Suppose //u(0)// is invariant under a symmetry //s// in //G//, i.e.
s u(0) = u(0)
Then //u(t)// satisfies that symmetry for all //t//, since
s u(t) = s f^t(u(0)) = f^t(s u(0)) = f^t(u(0)) = u(t)
The set of all symmetries //s// in //G// satisfied by u forms a subgroup //H ⊂ G//,
called the //isotropy group// group of //u//. Isotropy groups are useful
because they form invariant subspaces of the flow.
===== Isotropy groups of known solutions =====
The isotropy group most known equilibria and periodic orbits of plane Couette flow is
S = \{1, s_1, s_2, s_3 \}
s_1 \, [u, v, w](x,y,z) &= [u, v, -w](x+L_x/2, y, -z) \\
s_2 \, [u, v, w](x,y,z) &= [-u, -v, w](-x+L_x/2,-y,z+L_z/2) \\
s_3 \, [u, v, w](x,y,z) &= [-u,-v,-w](-x, -y, -z+L_z/2) \\
It is helpful to express these symmetries in terms of //σx, σz,// and translations. Let
\tau_x &= \tau(L_x/2, 0) \\
\tau_z &= \tau(0, L_z/2) \\
\tau_{xz} &= \tau_x \tau_z
S = \{1, \, \tau_x \sigma_z, \, \tau_{xz} \sigma_x, \, \tau_z \sigma_{xz} \}
===== Fun facts =====
1. If u has isotropy group S, then
\tau_x u, \, \tau_z u, \, \text{ and } \, \tau_{xz} u
also have isotropy group S. Thus for each equilibrium or periodic orbit with isotropy group S, there are four half-box shifted partners.
2. Since s^2 = 1 for s ∈ S, the eigenfunctions v of the linearized dynamics
about any solution u with isotropy group S are either symmetric or
antisymmetric with respect each symmetry s in S. (I.e. sv = ±v)
3. σx defines a center of symmetry in x, σz in z,
and σxz in both. Therefore the presence of σx in
an isotropy group rules out traveling waves in x (similarly, z, and xz).
4. The S isotropy group admits of no traveling wave solutions and
relative periodic orbits only of the form
\tau f^t(u) - u = 0 \text{ for } \tau \in T = \{1, \, \tau_x, \, \tau_z, \, \tau_{xz} \}
===== Isotropy groups and invariant solutions =====
So far we have restricted most of our attention to the
solutions with //S// isotropy. We have a few solutions with other isotropies.
One of the main simplifications of the restriction to //S// is that reduces
the number of free parameters in the search for good initial guesses for
invariant solutions. E.g. we don't have to provide a guess for the wave
speed of traveling waves, and for periodic orbits, there are only four
choices for the symmetry //σ// in
\sigma f^t u - u = 0
namely, \sigma = 1, \tau_x, \, \tau_z, \, \text{ or } \tau_{xz} , rather
than the continuum \tau(\ell_x, \ell_z) .
To search for initial guesses for periodic orbits, we define a measure of
close recurrence within a trajectory u(t) by
r(t,T) &= min_{\tau} \| \sigma f^T u(t) - u(t) \| \\
&= min_{\tau} \| \sigma u(t+T) - u(t) \|
for $ \tau \in \{1, \, \tau_x, \, \tau_z, \tau_{xz}\}$.
We can compute r(t,T) from a time series of u(t) and look for places where r(t,T) << 1 for
stretches of t and constant T. Those will be good guesses for periodic orbits.